Thursday, September 29, 2011

October is almost here!

It is almost October in our classroom and we have been learning so much in our classroom. I am so excited about all the progress I see with my kinders and I hope that you are seeing their learning expand at home too! Here are some things you can look forward to happening in October...

Ar - Arnie Aardvark
J - Jenny Jaguar

More heart words are coming! So far we have learned; a, I, can, for, he, and, is, see, an. Try playing "popcorn" with you child at home. Use the flashcards that I sent home and flash them for your child. They clap and say the word as fast as they can. It is a fun way to practice.

In math we are starting Unit 2. We finished Unit 1 this week and took our test. The kiddos have learned how to write numbers 1 through 5. Keep practicing writing these numbers at home. In our room we are working on making groups of numbers using all types of manipulatives. Try using objects, like beans and pennies, to help your child make groups of numbers. In October we will be continuing to work on these types of activities, but will also be expanding into pattern making and counting beyond 20.

Here are some photos of the kiddos during our daily five stations. Some are listening to books online and others are practicing making their letters using playdoh!